Mission Statement
St Peter’s Catholic Primary School
is built on the values of
love, kindness, respect and forgiveness,
in a safe and nurturing community,
where everyone enjoys learning and fulfils their potential.
We . . . Love Jesus, Love learning, Love life.
School Context
St Peter’s is a smaller than average one form entry Catholic primary school, located in the top 10% of deprived areas in England. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils (47%) for whom we receive pupil premium funding is higher than the national average. About 20% of pupils have English as an additional language, in line with the national average and most pupils at an early stage of speaking in English are in EYFS. The percentage of pupils who receive SEN support is broadly in line with the national average.
Our Catholic ethos, encapsulated in our school Mission Statement, alongside Catholic Social teaching underpins all learning at St Peter’s.
Our Curriculum is based on the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (updated September 2021), the National Curriculum in England (2014) for Years 1 to 6 and the Shrewsbury Diocese approved RE scheme, ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’. The curriculum is enhanced by Forest Schools, specialist instrumental teaching from Years 2 to 6 and the Islington ‘You, Me, PSHE’ scheme.
Our curriculum is a balance between a knowledge led and a knowledge engaged curriculum with the emphasis being slightly different for each curriculum area, for example, history is knowledge led and art is knowledge-engaged.
We ensure that all of our children have the opportunity to develop their cultural capital through a planned programme of experiences closely linked to our curriculum across the school and each year group has a list of experiences we want every child to have by the end of each school year.
Knowledge organisers for each topic taught within the curriculum identify the prior learning upon which new learning is built and the knowledge and/or skills we want pupils to have learned by the end of the topic.
Each curriculum subject is planned in the following way:
There is an emphasis in all subject areas on vocabulary and reading to try and close the vocabulary gap we know exists for many of our pupils.
The impact of our curriculum will be seen in subject specific measurable attainment and progress checks at the end of topics or at the end of each term for core subject areas and RE. It will also be seen in the fact that throughout their time at St Peter’s and when they leave pupils will be loving, respectful and forgiving members of the wider community.
Please click here to view the National Curriculum for Primary schools.
Please click here for the EYFS Statutory Framework
For more information about our curriculum, please see the website pages for each curriculum areas or speak to your child's class teacher wit hany questions you may have about your child's learning. Regular homework, including reading, learning spellings and learning times tables will be linked to the work that your child is doing in class.
Subject Links
Foreign Languages
Early Years
Design Technology