Firbank Road, Newall Green, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 2YS


Visits into school are one way in which governors can increase their knowledge of the school.  The knowledge and understanding gained during visits enables governors to carry out their roles of strategic leadership, monitoring and evaluation and holding the school to account for its performance.


Name Status  Appointed by Term of Office
Ellen Bowes Foundation Governor (Chair) Diocese of Shrewsbury 20.9.2012 to 31.8.2024
Sarah Nurse-Etchells Foundation Governor (Vice Chair) Diocese of Shrewsbury 1.9.2015 to 31.8.2024
Brian O'Flynn Foundation Governor Diocese of Shrewsbury 26.11.19 to 31.8.2023
Grettonn Governor FoundatioJohn  Diocese of Shrewsbury 1.9.2019 to 31.8.2023
Father Owen Gallagher Foundation Governor Diocese of Shrewsbury  
Michael Glynn Foundation Governor Diocese of Shrewsbury April 2022 to April 2026
Vacant Foundation Governor Diocese of Shrewsbury  
Paula Hallsworth Parent Governor Parents  
Christines Beeharry Parent Governor Parents  
Leonie Allerton Local Authority Local Authority 1.9.2019 to 31.8.2023
Cat Lackey Staff Governor Staff 4.2.2019 to 3.2.2023
Cathy Quinn Headteacher N/A N/A
Mary Robinson Clerk Governing Body  

Governors approved the following Committees and members for 2022-23:

Committee Members                                           Committee Members

Mrs E Bowes (Chair)

Mrs P Hallsworth

Mrs S Etchells

Mrs C Quinn

Miss England (Business Manager - Advisor)








Mrs S Etchells 

Mr M Glynn

Fr O Gallagher

Mrs C Beeharry

Mr B O'Flynn (Chair)

Mrs C Quinn

Miss C Lackey



Committee Members   Committee Members

Mrs S Etchells

Fr O Gallagher

Mrs C Quinn


Mr B O'Flynn

Mrs E Bowes

Mrs S Etchells



Committee Members   Committee Members
Headteacher Performance Review


Mr B O'Flynn

Mrs E Bowes

Mrs S Etchells


  Pay Appeals

Fr O Gallagher

Mrs S Etchells



Committee Members                                                                 Committee Members
Pupil Discipline

Mr J Gretton

Mrs E Bowes


                                                                                                                                               Staff Discipline

Mrs L Allerton

Mrs E Bowes

Mrs C Quinn



Committee Members   Link Governor Roles Member
Grievance and Appeals

Mrs S Etchells

Mr J Gretton



Pupil Premium



Safeguarding and Looked After Children (LAC)


Mrs E Bowes

Mrs E Bowes

Miss C Lackey

Mr M Glynn

Mrs S Etchells


Protocol for Governor Visits to School

Visits into school are one way in which governors can increase their knowledge of the school.  The knowledge and understanding gained during visits enables governors to carry out their roles of strategic leadership, monitoring and evaluation and holding the school to account for its performance.

GB_Vist_Form_St_Peters_.pdf .pdf
Instrument_of_Governance_St_Peters_Catholic.pdf .pdf
St_Peter_Publication_of_GB_Details_Register_of_Interests_2018_19.pdf .pdf
St_Peters_Protocol_for_Governor_Visits_to_School.doc .doc