At St Peters we continually strive to improve and develop in everything we do. We value feedback and understand the importance of seeking it out so we can continuously improve. If you have specific feedback about any aspect of our school please contact us by telephone, or come to the school office and we will ensure you speak to the appropriate member of staff.
The majority of issues raised by parents, the community or pupils, are concerns rather than complaints. St Peters values all comments about the school and will endeavour to address concerns or complaints at the earliest stage possible and without recourse to the formal procedure.
However, depending on the nature of the complaint, you may wish or be asked to follow the school’s formal complaints procedure - please see documents available to download on our school policies page. Should you require hard copies of any documents, please ask at the school office.
The school’s complaints procedure ensures that we respond to complaints as fairly, as quickly and effectively as possible. Formal complaints will be dealt with in a sensitive, impartial and confidential manner. The procedure sets out exactly what will happen with a complaint and how long the process will take. When making a complaint it is important that the complainant identifies their desired outcome, or the actions they feel might resolve the problem at any stage.
If the complaint concerns the Headteacher the complainant should contact the Chair of Governors in writing via the school.
If the complaint is about the Chair of Governors or any individual governor, the complainant should write to the Clerk to the Governors in writing via the school.
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Concerns and Complaints
If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the SEND Provision for their child they should in the first instance contact the SENDCo, Mrs Early, who will investigate their concern. Should the parent/carer wish to seek further reassurance they should contact Mrs Knowles, Assistant Headteacher. If the matter is not resolved the parent/carer should refer to the school’s Complaints Procedure available on the school’s website or by application to the school office.