Good attendance is essential for all children so that they make their expected progress. The government expects the level of school attendance for all primary aged pupils to be no lower than 95%. For your information the following is a useful guide:
100% = Excellent attendance
95%. = Good attendance
90% = 4 weeks over the year = ½ day absence every week
85% = 6 weeks over the year
80% = 8 weeks over the year = 1 day absence every week
75% = 10 weeks over the year
70% = 12 weeks over the year = 1½ days absence every week
We are aware that children may have specific illnesses that prevent them from attending school which can bring attendance levels down. Holidays and leave of absence authorised or not also have a detrimental affect on your child’s education.
Arriving late for school has a detrimental influence as children can miss initial learning opportunities. Lateness can lead to a poor habit that can carry on in High School where children will miss a key social time at the start of day. To put this into context 10 minutes late every day is the equivalent of missing 6 full days in a year, while 30 minutes late every day is the equivalent of missing 4 full weeks in a year. In saying this we do realise that there are occasions where events occur that are out of parents control (weather/ late buses etc.) and we ask that you do leave enough time to make the journey safely.