Firbank Road, Newall Green, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 2YS


Our school opening times are included below.  It is important for children to be punctual and arrive at school on time in the morning.  Children should be collected at the end of the school day and not before as we know that good attendance and punctuality have a positive impact on attainment and progress.

8.45am school gates open and school day starts

8.55am school gates close

3.15pm school day ends for all classes

Registration is at 8.55am and children arriving after this time will be marked as late.

Total hours provided are 6.5 per day, totalling 32.5 hours per week.

Absence from school

Sickness Absence

All pupil absence must be reported to school on each day of absence.  Please ring the school on 0161 437 1495 to report your child's absence.

Please see below sickness exclusion period issued by the Government for common illnesses:

Disease Incubation Min. Period of Exclusion
Chicken-pox 11 – 21 days 5 days from onset of rash
Rubella/German 14 – 21 days 4 days from onset of rash
Infectious Jaundice 15 – 50 days (commonly 18) 7 days from onset of rash
Measles 10 – 15 days 7 days from onset of rash
Mumps 12 – 26 days Until swelling has subsided
Whooping cough 7 – 10 days 21 days from onset Paroxysmal cough
Impetigo   Until lesions are crusted or healed


Please also note that children who have sickness and diarrhoea should be kept off school until symptom free for 48 hours.

If you are unsure about any of the above and your child is ill, please contact the school office on 0161 437 1495 and we will advise you.


Holiday Requests 

Regular school attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress.  We expect all parents/carers to ensure that their children attend school whenever possible.  Absences due to holidays taken in term-time can impact on your child’s progress. 

If you wish to apply for your child to be absent from school during term-time, please complete the form below or request a copy from the school office and return it to school at least two weeks before your intended absence.  Requests for leave of absence will be considered in line with our policy and will not automatically be authorised. 

Pupil Leave of Absence Request Form 

If your child is absent from school because they are on holiday and this absence has not been authorised or they do not return to school on the agreed due date, you may be issued with a Penalty Notice of £60 rising up to £120.  Your child may also be at risk of losing their school place.