Firbank Road, Newall Green, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 2YS

Links for home learning

Updated January 2021

Our policy for the provision of home learning can be found here

 During the time of National Lockdown or class bubble closure home learning is being provided through Google Classroom.  Please contact school by phone or email if you do not have your login details.

Support with technology is available - please contact school.

In addition, the Oak National Academy have online lessons available for all year groups and national curriculum subjects. The lessons include teaching videos and learning activities and can be used to support learning at home

Oak National Academy

Links to additional resources are available below and on the home learning subject pages

Mental Health and Wellbeing

 Early Help have put together some useful links to resources to help and support families at home Early Help links

The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership have put together some useful resources to support children and families.  Please click on the website link for more details 

RE Resources

Link to the Wythenshawe Catholic Church Partnership for live stream Masses Parish website

Mission Together have some great resources to use at home, for prayer, to think about the theme of Sunday Mass and to learn about the Church around the world Mission Together

Sunday Liturgy and prayer resources, including links to hymns and bible stories

If you like singing, the Diocese of Leeds have shared some singing lessons on YouTube to learn new songs and hymns, click on the link Diocese of Leeds

Below is a list of websites with games and activities and ideas for activities to do at home with your children.  We will try and add to the list regularly.


The BBC website Tiny Happy People has lots of activities for Early Years and younger children Tiny Happy People

Scholastic have made all their Julie Donaldson resources freely available online.  Julie Donaldson is an author children in Early Years have been learning about this year Julia Donaldson resources

Creative Early Years learning activities from Hope Education

Resources and activities for younger children to do Website with ideas and lots of links to other websites and apps for children to use

Hungry Little Minds has lots of activity ideas and links to online activities for younger children

Links to website with nursery rhymes children can join in with:

World Nursery Rhyme week

BBC A to Z index of nursery rhymes

BBC Mr Tumble nursery rhymes

Current Affairs

Picture News are providing free news videos each week specifically designed for children

Science and Design Technology

The Science Museum group have a range of activities and Science experiments for you to do at home 

Manchester Fayre have put together a book of some of the children's favourite recipes from school - let us know if you try any of them.  Recipe Book

The Food A Fact of Life website have put together lots of food related activities for children to try at home Food A Fact of Life


Challenges and Competitions

North West Gifted and Talented have some challenges and puzzles for you to try NWGT Challenges

Take the 30 day lego challenge and share what you build 30 day lego challenge