School can only administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor for 4 times a day or when specifically directed to be given during the school day.
Most prescriptions are for 3 times a day and doses can usually be administered at home.
All medicines must be in their original packaging, with a pharmacy label stating the child’s name. Medicine should be brought to the school office and you will be asked to complete a parental permission form.
Parents must inform school should their child visit A&E at any time, even if this does not include an overnight admission.
We also request that school is informed of any change in medical condition(s) i.e. if your child is diagnosed with a condition/ allergy or need. We trust that you will support us in this measure which seeks to further ensure the health and safety needs of your children whilst they are in our care.
Current emergency contact telephone numbers must be updated to ensure our records are accurate.